
  • DAS ist für den Webmaster....

    Nein, das ist für den Vorstand!

    Das ist nix anderes als Member zu aktivieren-genau wie hier.

    Ich habs jetzt gemacht-aber das nächste Mal.....

    Stephan aus Castalla/Spain:Hut ab

    "Ich lebe jetzt da, wo andere Urlaub machen.8)"

  • Hi Feger

    I have just translated and read the rules.

    No great shocks there I am pleased to say. But I do have a couple of questions.

    In the rules it says it takes a year to become a full member? Is that still correct?

    If I understand the rules correctly:

    I must attend some gatherings before I can be considered for a full member, is that correct?

    I must be proposed by other members before I can be accepted as a full member, is that correct?

    You did say it would be okay to write in English. If this is a bit too much let me know and I will Google it.



  • Sent you an email!